Providing Education That is Life Changing!
Welcome to the Trauma Collaborative:
a division of Turtlesea Group.
The Trauma Collaborative is a collection of courses, coaching, and resources designed to empower individuals and organizations to practice empathetic trauma-responsive engagement to foster healthy relationships.
It is our belief that merely learning the trauma-informed principles is not enough. If we do not allow the principles to permeate our thinking, we will not see a change in our actions toward or beliefs about people who have been impacted by trauma.
Subscribe to our page to stay up-to-date on resources to aid you in trauma-responsive engagement.

What We Do
We employ multiple service vehicles to accomplish our mission of educating the masses on empathetic trauma-informed engagement. Please see our list of services below to learn more about our workshops for foster/resource parents, professional development for K-12 and higher education school districts, and any other organization seeking to implement trauma-informed principles or specialized certifications.


Business Details
P.O. Box 94925
Pasadena, CA 91109